Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Beyond the Biopolitics of the Refugee: Totality, Global Capitalism, and Common Struggle
(NSK State Pavilion, 2017)
The Arabic Fantastic and ISIS Terror: The Aesthetics of Counter-Terrorism and its Limits
(The Middle East Report (MERIP),, 2017)
Concrete Universality and the Ends of Revolutionary Politics: A Žižekian Approach to Postcolonial Women’s Writings
(Duke University Press, 2017)
Role of museums and botanical gardens in ecosystem services in developing countries: Case study and outlook
(International Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017)
Unprecedented environmental challenges require new tools. Knowledge based on scientific research is critical for the creation of environmental awareness and education in order to bring about behavioral changes in society ...
The Gates of the City of Jerusalem in the Fatimid and Saljuq Periods (969-1099 AD)
(The University of Jordan, The Deanship of Academic Research and Quality Assurance, 2017-05-03)
This study discusses the gates of the city of Jerusalem during the Fāṭimid and
Saljūq periods through the study of historical sources, contemporary research on
this subject and the results of archaeological excavations ...
Variation in shoot tolerance mechanisms not related to ion toxicity in barley
(CSIRO, 2017)
Soil salinity can severely reduce crop growth and yield. Many studies have investigated salinity tolerance mechanisms in cereals using phenotypes that are relatively easy to measure. The majority of these studies measured ...
Mapping of novel salt tolerance QTL in an Excalibur× Kukri doubled haploid wheat population
(Springer, 2017-07)
Novel QTL for salinity tolerance traits have been detected using non-destructive and destructive phenotyping in bread wheat and were shown to be linked to improvements in yield in saline fields.
Soil salinity ...
Cancer Immunotherapy with CAR-T cells for Hematological Malignancies
(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2017-04)
Cancer treatment for hematological malignancies traditionally included systemic chemotherapy and localized radiotherapy for central nervous system (CNS) disease. These therapies in addition to their adverse effects’ profile ...
Neuropsychological measures in the Arab world: A systematic review
(Springer - Neuropsycholohy Review, 2017-06-17)
Although Arabic is one of the most widely used languages in the world, little is known on the availability of standardized neuropsychological tests in Arabic. We review the literature published before 2016, using the ...