Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Rehumanizing Palestinians?
(The Philosophical Salon, 2018-07-09)
Extraction Method and Evaluation of Phenolics, Flavonoids, Antioxidant activity, Antimicrobial Activity and Minerals of Bitter Lupinus albus in Palestine
(Taylor and Francis, 2018)
In this paper, extraction methods for bitter Lupinus albus seeds are described. Samples were either soaked with water (thereafter soaked) or used without soaking (thereafter unsoaked) and were exposed to Soxhlet extraction ...
Comparison of extraction yields, antioxidant, antimicrobial activity and concentration of main components of Olea europaea leaf samples at different seasons and of different areas of Palestine
(International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2018)
Olea europaea is widely cultivated tree for oil production in the Mediterranean area. The benefits of olive leaves refer to their vital polyphenols components. In this study, the optimum way for the extraction of olive ...
(IJDR, 2018-10-29)
The study aimed at formulating a herbal shampoo containing olive leaves extract and evaluating
its physiochemical properties. Olive leaves extract in shampoo is commercially available in
Palestine, but because the R&D ...
Formulation And Evaluation Of Harbal Shampoo Containing Olive Leaves Extract
(International Journal of Development Research, 2018-10-29)
The study aimed at formulating a herbal shampoo containing olive leaves extract and evaluating
its physiochemical properties. Olive leaves extract in shampoo is commercially available in
Palestine, but because the R&D ...
Mapping of novel salt tolerance QTL in an Excalibur × Kukri doubled haploid wheat population
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018-10-01)
Key message Novel QTL for salinity tolerance traits have been detected using non-destructive and
destructive phe
notyping in bread wheat and were shown to be linked to improvements in yield in saline fields.
Abstract ...
Systematics, distribution and ecological analysis of rodents in Jordan
(Zootaxa, 2018)
Distributional and ecological data were given to all rodents of Jordan. The rodent fauna of Jordan
consists of 28 species with 20 genera in eight families (Cricetidae, Dipodidae, Gliridae,
Hystricidae, Muridae, Myocastoridae, ...
Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Acute Leukemia Patients from Occupied Palestine
(Jordan Medical Journal, 2018)
Cytogenetic data in acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia are important for diagnosis, therapy design, and prognosis. This is the first report of a series of cytogenetic studies on patients with acute ...
Diversity and ecology of the land snails of the Palestinian Territories of the West Bank
(Zoology and Ecology, 2018)
The diversity of the terrestrial snails of the Palestinian Territories was presented with a total of 42
species in 26 genera representing 15 families. Families Enidae and Hygromiidae had the highest
number of species, ...
Mantids (Dictyoptera: Mantodea) from the Palestinian Territories with an updated list
A total of seventeen species of the order Mantodea were recorded from the Palestinian Territories belonging to five families (Empusidae, Eremiaphilidae, Mantidae, Tarachodidae and Toxoderidae) and thirteen genera (Ameles, ...