Faculty of Arts
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Addressing student readers and representation of gender. A comparative analysis of Palestinian and Norwegian textbooks in Arabic and Norwegian
(IARTEM and Vestfold university in Norway, 2007-09-01)This paper presents and discusses results from a comparative analysis of textbooks in the mother tongue subject (Arabic and Norwegian) in Palestine and Norway. The analysis will concentrate on two issues: the way student ... -
Impact of the use of e-learning on the achievement of students in Arbic Morphology at University of Bethlehem
(مجلة العلوم الإنسانیة, 2015-12-01)Abstract : This study aimed to follow the impact of using e-learning methods (MOODLE) on the achievement of students from the faculty of education enrolled in a grammar course. To achieve so, the study was based ... -
National Expressions and Words of Nature in Diwan “From Palestine, My Feather,” for The Palestinian Poet Abu Salma Abdul Karim Al-Karmi “A Semantic Study”
(دراسات وأبحاث المجلة العربية للأبحاث والدراسات في العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 2022-04-01)Abstract This study seeks to apply the theory of semantic fields to the poetry of the emigrated Palestinian poet Abu Salma, in his diwan “From Palestine, my feather,” by limiting it to two semantic fields, namely, national ... -
Tho In Quran "syntax and semantic study"
(مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة للبحوث الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 2009-10-01)Summary: The study in question is an attempt to discuss the Arabic word “thoo” in its singular, dual , plural and feminine forms , indicating its rules and cases , after which I have examined all its occurrences in the ... -
Bani Sulaim Accent "Linguistic Study"
(مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية للبحوث الإنسانية, 2011-02-10)Abstract: This study is considered a new page in a series of studies of eloquent Arabic dialects which are part of new research topics in Modern Linguistics. A study of the ancient Arab dialects contributes to drawing ... -
The Aesthetic of Repetition in The Poetry of Fadwa Toqan Dewan "July and the Other" as a model A stylistic study
(رماح للبحوث والنشر, 2022-06-01) -
حداثة الكتابة في المنظور النقدي العربي المعاصر أدونيس الناقد منظرا للحداثة العربية
(مجلة جامعة بيت لحم, 2006) -
البنية الدلالية لخطاب السيرة الروائية الفلسطينية المنجز بعد أوسلو سردية، رأيت رام الله و ولدت هناك ولدت هنا" للأديب مريد البرغوثي نموذجا
(مجلة الجامعة الاسلامية للبحوث الانسانية, 2012) -
تمثيلات الأنا والآخر في لغة الروائي الفلسطيني سردية "سرايا بنت الغول -خرّافية" لإميل حبيبي نموذجا
(مجلة الجامعة الاسلامية (سلسلة الدراسات الانسانية), 2011) -
الخطاب النقدي الأدونيسي بين مصطلحات ثلاثة؛ "التراث" و"حداثة الابداع(الكتابة)" و " الحداثة البعدية"- مقاربة نقدية
(مجلة الجامعة الاسلامية للبحوث الانسانية, 2013-01) -
حضور الأغنية الشعبية في خطاب إميل حبيبي المسرحي الأغنية الشعبية الفلسطينية في مسرحية"أم الروبابيكيا؛ هند الباقية في واد النسناس-مونودراما" نموذجا
(مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للاداب, 2014) -
Felix-Marie Abel and his Vision of Nature in Palestine: Géographie de la Palestine revisited
(The Arab World Geographer, 2018)Felix-Marie Abel was in the early 20th century one of the most prominent “Bible scholars” and, despite limitations, contributed to a better knowledge of Palestinian history and geography. The present paper is an overview ... -
Diagnostic mistakes of culturally diverse individuals when using North American neuropsychological tests
(Applied Neuropsychology - Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017)Although the role of culture has increasingly gained acceptance in clinical neuropsychology, relatively minimal research exists regarding the actual impact on clinical activities. In this study, we assess how using North ... -
Interaction between Socioeconomic Status and Cognitive Development in Children Aged 7, 9, and 11 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study
(Developmental Neuropsychology - Taylor & Francis, 2019)The socioeconomic status (SES) of parents has a crucial influence on the cognitive development of children, but it is not clear whether this effect varies as a function of the children’s age. The objective of this study ... -
Mathematical Achievement as a Proxy for Measuring Quality of Education among Non-Native English Speakers // التّحصيل الرّياضيّ مؤشّرًا لقياس جودة التّعليم لدى غير النّاطقين بالإنجليزيّة
(Bethlehem University Journal, 2017)This study aims to examine the role of mathematical achievement in explaining cultural differences in neuropsychological performance. A comprehensive neuropsychological battery was administrated to 54 individuals from two ... -
Neuropsychological measures in the Arab world: A systematic review
(Springer - Neuropsycholohy Review, 2017-06-17)Although Arabic is one of the most widely used languages in the world, little is known on the availability of standardized neuropsychological tests in Arabic. We review the literature published before 2016, using the ... -
Planting the Seeds to Overcome Uprooting: A Study of the Forced Transformations in the Palestinian Peasant’s Life
(Bisan Center for Research and Development, 2011) -
The Image of Palestine in the Narratives of Refugees: A Comparative Study of Two Refugee Camps - Qalandia in Palestine and Al Yarmouk in Syria
(Ibrahim Abu-Lughud Institute of International Studies, Birzeit University, 2011)