Browsing Faculty of Arts by Title
Now showing items 14-33 of 53
The Gates of the City of Jerusalem in the Fatimid and Saljuq Periods (969-1099 AD)
(The University of Jordan, The Deanship of Academic Research and Quality Assurance, 2017-05-03)This study discusses the gates of the city of Jerusalem during the Fāṭimid and Saljūq periods through the study of historical sources, contemporary research on this subject and the results of archaeological excavations ... -
'Homeland Sacer': A Nation to be Killed
(Review of Women's Studies, Birzeit University, 2011)The article proposes a new concept -homeland sacer- as the context for understanding the situation of both Iraqi and Palestinian refugees. By using and extending Agamben's concept of homo sacer -those who may be killed ... -
The Image of Palestine in the Narratives of Refugees: A Comparative Study of Two Refugee Camps - Qalandia in Palestine and Al Yarmouk in Syria
(Ibrahim Abu-Lughud Institute of International Studies, Birzeit University, 2011) -
Impact of the use of e-learning on the achievement of students in Arbic Morphology at University of Bethlehem
(مجلة العلوم الإنسانیة, 2015-12-01)Abstract : This study aimed to follow the impact of using e-learning methods (MOODLE) on the achievement of students from the faculty of education enrolled in a grammar course. To achieve so, the study was based ... -
Interaction between Socioeconomic Status and Cognitive Development in Children Aged 7, 9, and 11 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study
(Developmental Neuropsychology - Taylor & Francis, 2019)The socioeconomic status (SES) of parents has a crucial influence on the cognitive development of children, but it is not clear whether this effect varies as a function of the children’s age. The objective of this study ... -
Khirbet Birzeit Research and Excavation 1999: The Pottery
(Palestinian Institute of Archaeology Birzeit University, 2000-07)The pottery presented below embraces ceramic assemblages derived from Areas D. and B. of the excavation ( see the Arabic section, p.4, fig. 1). Area B. displays examples from the Ottoman and the Mamluk periods. The pottery ... -
Khirbet Birzeit Research and Excavation 1999:Third Season Excavation
(Palestinian Institute of Archaeology Birzeit University, 2000-07)أجرى معهد الاثار الفلسطيني موسم التنقيبات الثالث في الفترة الواقعة ين 12 تموز و26 آب ، ضمن مشروع تنقيبات طويل الامد في خربة بيرزيت. جرى التنقيب في هذا الموسم في منطقتين ، المنطقة ب، في الصالة الشمالية، المنطقة ث جنوب المنطقة ... -
Khirbet Birzeit Research and Excavation 2000: Fourth Season Excavation
(Ugarit-Forschungen:40, 2008)In a joint project with the Department of Old Testament Studies and Biblical Archaeology of Mainz University, the Palestinian institute of Archaeology of Birzeit University has conducted its fourth season of excavation ... -
Khirbet Birzeit Research and Excavation1998 Seconed Excavation: The Pottery
(Palestinian Institute of Archaeology Birzeit University, 2000-01)While no complete Vessels were recovered from either of the excavated squares, the ceramic finds included Early Islamic, Crusader, Ayyubed and Mamluk shreds . Most of the pottery came from fills (see Nashef in this ... -
Khirbet Birzeit Research and Excavation1998 Seconed Season Excavation
(Palestinian Institute of Archaeology Birzeit University, 2000-01)During the months of July-August 1998, a season of excavation was carried out at Khirbet Birzeit by the Palestinian Institute of Archeology of Birzeit University. Khirbet Birzeit is situated on the summit of hill 819.20m ... -
Literature, Partition and the Nation State: Culture and Conflict in Ireland, Israel and Palestine
(Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies, 2001) -
Mathematical Achievement as a Proxy for Measuring Quality of Education among Non-Native English Speakers // التّحصيل الرّياضيّ مؤشّرًا لقياس جودة التّعليم لدى غير النّاطقين بالإنجليزيّة
(Bethlehem University Journal, 2017)This study aims to examine the role of mathematical achievement in explaining cultural differences in neuropsychological performance. A comprehensive neuropsychological battery was administrated to 54 individuals from two ... -
National Expressions and Words of Nature in Diwan “From Palestine, My Feather,” for The Palestinian Poet Abu Salma Abdul Karim Al-Karmi “A Semantic Study”
(دراسات وأبحاث المجلة العربية للأبحاث والدراسات في العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 2022-04-01)Abstract This study seeks to apply the theory of semantic fields to the poetry of the emigrated Palestinian poet Abu Salma, in his diwan “From Palestine, my feather,” by limiting it to two semantic fields, namely, national ... -
Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga
(The Moss Publishing Group (Gale Publishers), 2000) -
Neuropsychological measures in the Arab world: A systematic review
(Springer - Neuropsycholohy Review, 2017-06-17)Although Arabic is one of the most widely used languages in the world, little is known on the availability of standardized neuropsychological tests in Arabic. We review the literature published before 2016, using the ... -
“New Arabic Inscriptions from the Bethesda Pool. Excavations in Jerusalem”
(2012)Numerous fragmentary Arabic inscriptions were recovered during the course of archaeological excavations and reconstruction work carried out under the aegis of the White Fathers between 1865 and 1967 within the area of the ... -
Planting the Seeds to Overcome Uprooting: A Study of the Forced Transformations in the Palestinian Peasant’s Life
(Bisan Center for Research and Development, 2011) -
Postnational Ethics, Postcolonial Politics: Raymonda Tawil’s My Home, My Prison
(Syracuse UP, 2007)